Home Staging and Design
First impressions are the ones that LAST.............  Get your home ready for the market  from the start and make your house warming the one you're proud of through Home Staging and Design.

Set the Stage

     Won’t every home sell?  Probably, it’s just a matter of how much and when…  Only 10% of buyers can visualize a home’s potential.   When we Set the Stage, your buyers will be able to easily imagine the lifestyle they are looking for.  Your buyers will walk away from an open house with that ‘it just feels like home’ sense.  Sure, we light candles and bake some bread but it’s more than that.  Your buyers have formed their first impression in about 15 seconds.  Instead of ‘maybe this could work’, your home has to have that ‘wow’ factor over the competition.  With the use of furnishings, accessories, and a little magic, we create emotional connections throughout your home that any potential buyer can relate to.  We will have your buyers so captivated by the positive aspects of your home they will easily over look any negatives.


Professional Home Staging & Interior Redesign Services


Home Staging is the preparation of a home to sell by a professional who specializes in this form of decorating. Many definitions you have seen no doubt stop after the word “sell” and that is part of the big misconception and devaluation of home staging. A professional home stager has the time and can objectively view the home as a product and highlight its assets while downplaying its flaws. The home seller usually cannot view their home objectively, while many successful Realtors do not have the time or resources to properly stage a home.

     For many home sellers and Real Estate Agents the concept of "professional home staging" is being increasingly recognized and used to effectively package and market a home in the marketplace. Many successful Realtors already have a full time professional stager on staff or have partnered with a Professional Home Stager in order to sell their homes faster and for more money.

     Some Realtors and home sellers will say that they have already “staged” their homes only to find that they will be lowering their price within the month. There is a vast difference between a home that was simply de-cluttered and cleaned and one that was professionally staged! Creating the “model home” look is not easily achieved without the help of someone who does this everyday for a living.

     At Set the Stage, home staging is all we do so we can focus on giving our clients the best quality home staging services available.

Notice – The term “Staging” is NOT a federally registered trademark and is commonly used in the industry to describe the practice of preparing homes for sale.

     Before your buyers even reach the front welcome mat, Set the Stage is working for you.  80% of home buyers search the internet for a home first.  How many of us have perused the real estate sites only to find that we can’t get past the photos to see a home’s true potential.  Let us take your professional internet photos before your home even hits the market and see the difference!  A picture really is worth a thousand words, or perhaps thousands of dollars… Professionally staged homes statistically sell 50% faster and for 6-10% more.  When it comes to selling your greatest asset, Set the Stage for a profitable experience!
If you have questions or would like more information, call 318-355-9110 or email [email protected].